From September 11 to 17, the group Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling (‘Together Against Food Waste’) is organizing Waste-Free Week. ‘Zuivelpak’ is a proud partner of this week and provides consumers with handy tips on how to waste less. Because if you fold and squeeze the dairy carton properly, you can easily get an extra serving out of it. Zuivelpak is an initiative of the dairy industry, the supermarket industry and manufacturers of beverage cartons.
Cutting dairy waste almost in half
For a long time, dairy was the number two most wasted product among consumers. But there is good news! By 2022, household dairy waste went down by almost half. The average Dutch consumer threw away 2.8 kg of dairy, dropping dairy to 5th place. This means that consumers are wasting considerably less dairy than before. Good for the wallet and good for the climate! Because less food waste also means fewer CO2 emissions.
Look, smell, taste and fold!
To spread the word that products such as milk, quark and yogurt are often still good after the best-before date, ‘Zuivelpak’ is putting the spotlight on the ‘Look, smell, taste and fold!’campaign this week. By looking, smelling and tasting whether a carton of milk or yogurt is still good after the best-before date, consumers can prevent considerable waste. When there is not much left, if you fold and squeeze the package of yogurt or custard in just the right way, you can effortlessly squeeze out an extra helping of dairy.
The last serving
Folding instructions from ‘Zuivelpak’ show how best to fold dairy cartons to get the last bits out. Children demonstrate how to do it in this video. This helps reduce waste and also makes empty dairy cartons easier and more efficient to recycle.
About ‘Zuivelpak’
‘Zuivelpak‘ is an initiative of the dairy industry, the supermarket industry and beverage carton manufacturers. Past campaigns have informed consumers about the use of renewable raw materials for beverage cartons and the recycling of cardboard beverage packaging.