22 December 2016

The NZO agrees with ZuivelNL’s Proposed Phosphate Reduction Plan

On Thursday, December 22, 2016, the general meeting of the Dutch Dairy Association (the NZO) voted for the Proposed Phosphate Reduction Plan from ZuivelNL with a considerable majority. The dairy companies believe that the measures proposed by the plan will lead to a necessary, rapid and substantial reduction in phosphate from the dairy farm. The measures are radical but unavoidable if the production of phosphate at Dutch dairy farms is to fall below the phosphate ceiling in 2017. This will secure the derogation in 2017 and open avenues for derogation in the years after.

The plan will only enter into force if it has been declared as generally binding, meaning that it would apply to all dairy companies and farms in the Netherlands. ZuivelNL has submitted a “general binding agreement” to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The agreement (after being checked by the European Commission) can come into effect as soon as possible, and is expected to begin on March 1, 2017.

ZuivelNL’s Phosphate Reduction Plan encourages dairy farmers to reduce their herds by 4% if they have more cows and calves at their farms than they did on July 2, 2015. For companies which had no excess phosphate in 2015 and which are land-based according to the definition in the manure law, the herd density on July 2, 2015 applies. Farmers who do not or who insufficiently reduce their herds will be denied milk subsidies. Dairy farms which achieve the necessary herd reductions in 2017 will be exempted from the measures and will receive a bonus.

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